Basic Information

Principal/Director : Ms Lina Ashar

School Category : Senior Secondary School

Medium of School : English

Type of School : (Private) Day

Average Fee (Monthly) : NA

About Billabong High International School-Civil Lines

The School is one of the foremost centers of academic excellence in the country- a reputation due not only to it’s pupils unrivaled examination results but even more importantly, because of their enjoyment of academic inquiry, debate and search for explanation well beyond the published syllabus.

In addition, students enhance both their intellectual and social development by taking full advantage of the many opportunities that are offered in sports, music, drama, debating, community service and other forms of civic engagement.

Our curriculum is geared towards providing real world skills to our students, real learning they require to succeed. Computational thinking is a skill that empowers and one that all pupils should be aware of and develop in confidence. Pupils who can think computationally are better able to conceptualize, understand and use computer based technology and are thus, better prepared for today’s world and the future. We have integrated ipad learning in our schools while teaching programming to have our students achieve more.

One thing we can say is that pupils joining us settle in very quickly and happily and make a great success of their time here !

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